Turkish Breakfast, The King Of Breakfasts?

Turkish Breakfast

If you’ve never experienced a traditional Turkish breakfast or ‘kahvalti’, then you’re missing out on one of the best ways to turn your morning meal from a quick snack into a breakfast banquet.

Turkish breakfast is one of the main meals of the day, often involving lots of small plates and freshly brewed tea, with friends and family invited round to join in. This is especially true at weekends, when there’s more time to indulge in a breakfast feast.

Several staples are served up, including cheese, olives, fresh bread, and typically either honey or some preserves. Sliced delicatessen meats are often served too, and guests can pick and choose what they want from the breakfast buffet.

It’s an indulgence that’s not difficult to recreate at home. So reach for the cheese and bread, invite friends and family round, and set out a healthy breakfast that will also allow you to rekindle any neglected socialising you’ve been putting off over the past year or more.

Tea or coffee?

A hot drink is a great way to start the day, so decide whether to have tea, coffee, or both available for your guests at your homemade Turkish breakfast banquet.

Turkish tea is normally served black and is drunk out of glasses rather than cups or mugs. It’s a traditional part of the breakfast celebration – but the name for Turkish breakfast, ‘kahvalti’, actually means ‘before coffee’.

So whatever form of caffeine you prefer, there’s room for it at this table. And whether you drink it from a mug or a glass, the perfect accompaniment for your cuppa is cheese.

Cheese is one of the centrepieces of Turkish breakfast and it elevates the meal to new heights, while also adding richness and creaminess when paired with your preference of tea or coffee.

While cheese is not a staple part of a British breakfast, it’s the heart and soul of the morning meal in Turkey – so don’t miss the chance to include it.

Be daring with the dairy

Turkey has a vast variety of cheeses, including regional recipes, braided cheese and, of course, feta cheese which has become a common component of many British salads and other snacks.

Don’t be afraid to include strong flavours in your cheese, which will work well alongside the preserves and cured meats served as part of a Turkish breakfast.

Eatlean Tasty and Eatlean Smoked Cheese are excellent options if you want to serve up a block of cheese that guests can take a slice from, and Eatlean Spreadable Cheese is a convenient way to add flavour and extra protein to breads and breakfast wraps.

The UK is one of the only countries where cheese is not normally the star of the show at breakfast time – we think it’s high time that changed, as it’s such a great way to get your day off to the best start.

Don’t forget the yoghurt

Along with cheese, yoghurt is a major component of a Turkish breakfast, and is a healthy breakfast option in its own right.

If you’re in a hurry and can’t spend so long making breakfast into a main event, grab a pouch of Eatlean SKYR to keep with the Turkish tradition and enjoy a 100% natural Icelandic-style yoghurt.

Eatlean SKYR is available in two flavours: Strawberry & Raspberry, and Mango, Peach & Passionfruit. With a resealable lid and a 150g serving size that gives you more than 10g of pure protein, it’s the perfect start to your day and will help you to make it to lunchtime.

This means even if you have to dash out the door to get to work, or you just don’t want to spend hours snacking on small plates of charcuterie, you can still get a high-protein, low-calorie healthy breakfast on board.

Reach for the simit

Simit is a breakfast staple in Turkey and is deeply embedded in the country’s culture and cuisine. If you want an easily available equivalent in the UK, look for sesame seed bagels in your local supermarket or bakery.

The best way to prepare simit is to spread it with cheese and jam – so again, keep your Eatlean Spreadable Cheese close by for the authentic Turkish breakfast experience.

Eggs also feature heavily whether boiled, fried or poached. Consider serving poached eggs on sliced and toasted simit, spread with Eatlean Spreadable Cheese and with an extra sprinkle of Eatlean Smoked Cheese Shaker to fill out the flavour.

As you try more traditional Turkish breakfast foods, you will of course start to learn what you like and which parts you’re not so keen on – and that’s what a platter of small plates is all about.

Over time, if you’re just cooking for yourself, you can focus on your favourites for a healthy breakfast that upholds the Turkish tradition but is quick and easy to prepare. Truly the king not only of breakfasts, but of all mealtimes!