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Eatlean Blog

woman running

Get Moving: The Importance Of Exercise In A Healthy Lifestyle

Independent of weight loss, exercising intensely for just three hours per week cuts your risk of various cancers, diabetes, depression, severe osteoporosis and all-cause mortality by a HUGE percentage. The most effective form of exercise for this purpose is resistance training, as this improves joint and bone integrity along with blood markers of health and, of course, muscle mass.

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low fat cheese sticks

What To Snack On When You Are Hungry

Who doesn’t enjoy a snack from time to time? I know I do. Sometimes, snacks serve a functional purpose, like a mid-workout banana to give you that little energy boost, or a mid morning piece of fruit and nuts because you had a quick light breakfast and need something to tide you over to lunch. Or, simply because you fancy a slice of cake, and who doesn’t like cake.

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sandwiches and croissant

What Should You Eat For Lunch?

There is technically no ideal lunchtime meal, other than one that has a decent balance of protein, fats and carbs and, ideally some fibre and micronutrient foods. But instead of focusing on the technicalities of what a so-called ‘ideal’ lunch should be, let’s look at the practicalities instead.

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dinner table

What Should You Eat For Dinner?

Have you ever heard the phrase, breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper? That is certainly one way of managing the calories in part of the energy balance principle. But what does that mean, that you should eat less in the evening?

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Breakfast Bake

What Should You Eat For Breakfast?

The short answer to this question is ‘anything you like’. Of course, that will depend on what your goals are though. If, for example you are going to be exercising that morning then a breakfast that is fairly heavy in carbs is usually a good idea, seeing as your muscles need carbs to fuel contraction.

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Eatlean Snack Bars and water bottle

8 Go To Snacks When You’re Hungry

I think it’s pretty safe to say that everybody loves a snack. If you’re feeling a little tired or hungry a quick, convenient snack can top you up and see you through to your next meal, they’re delicious, and of course they’re perfect for after a hard workout, or to top up your nutrient intake if you find you might be falling a little short.

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